Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Diamond Protection Planner Near Me.....

Diamond Protection Planner Near Me

Good Morning, My name is Prof Subin. Currently i’m working with investments related to all the banks and provide you best return in your account.

Working with public banks like SBI, Canara Bank, PNB, BOB, Indian Bank, etc.

Also working with HDFC bank, ICICI, Indusind, Kotak Mahindra and more……

We cater the needs of the client according to its needs.

Total of 44 million people insured, only 4 million people are highly protected.

So we can say Indian market is relatively, not protected.

Suppose a person is having a salary of Rs. 100,000 per month, how much protection he must have?

Seriously total income will be Rs. 12,00,000 per annum, so minimum protection will be Rs. 1.20 crore.

So when he is not there, his wife/kids can keep the money in the bank and fetch an interest rate of 6% per annum. That means 120,00,000 * 6/100 = Rs. 720,000

That means she will be getting Rs. 60,000/ month, slightly below the standard of Rs. 100,000 she used to have with husband.

My friend Mr. Madan was a contractor. Every day i used to meet him, and ask about investment, he pleasingly denied it.

After sometime, i told him to at least take a term protection plan of Rs. 50,00,000 for just Rs. 3000/month. His daughter was working in BPO and his son was studying. He denied and boasted me, neither him nor his family required it.

Last Diwali he met with heart attack. Now he is no more. When i enquired about his family, i was really shocked. What happened all his payments were blocked, as work is in process. Money flow was stopped. His son left the college without finishing graduations 🎓. Daughter is working and the house runs on her money 💰.

Do you feel that Madan must have taken a bit of responsibility?

Are you adequately protected?

Are your family adequatelt protected?

If not, Whatsapp/Sms me on 7000188030, now.

We will help you to get enough protection, also guarantee you that your 👪 will be living the same like today!!

Dont skip from your responsibilities!!

We are in deep crisis like Covid-19, Omicron, etc.

Also have critical illness means 3 out of 10 are having critical diseases!!

Whatsapp/sms:7000188030, now!!


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